Vale Challenges - Call for Solutions
We are pleased to announce that MICA member, Vale Base Metals is leveraging the MICA network to source new methodologies and vendors for two of the following challenges;
1) PVC Lifter Tube Insertion into Drillholes
Keeping lifter blastholes at floor level clear in development headings is an important step in the process. The current solution requires miners to get too close to the unsupported ground to both clear the holes and insert the pipe. Vale is looking for a solution that will remove the miner from the face
Full problem definition – Vale PVC Lifter Solution
Submit a solution for the PVC Lifter
2) Marking Bootlegs
Before a drift can advance, any bootlegs resulting from the previous round need to be marked. This is a problem as it puts miners in close proximity to unsupported ground. Vale is looking for a solution that will remove the miner from the face.
Full problem definition – Marking Bootlegs Solution
Submit a solution for the Marking Bootlegs
Process for the challenge:
Vendors are required to review the problem definition and solution parameters document.
Vendors will be required to complete the solution form to respond to this request.
For companies that demonstrate/describe an adequate solution, MICA will reach out with any additional information or questions.
MICA will facilitate Introductory meetings with Vale.
Note: Deadline for application is January 5, 2024.
We thank you for your support and participation in this request for solutions and look forward to receiving your entries!
Submit a solution for the PVC Lifter
Submit a solution for the Marking Bootlegs